Fees & Offers
NHS Treatment
We provide the full range of treatment on the NHS including crowns, bridges and dentures allowing us to give complete dental care at the lowest possible cost. We can also offer interest free payment options for some NHS treatment.
Remember your treatment is free if:
You are under the age of eighteen
You are under nineteen and in full-time education
You are expecting a baby at the start of treatment
You have a baby under 1 year at the start of treatment
You are receiving income support
You are receiving NHS tax credit exemption
You hold an NHS HC2 exemption certificate
You are receiving Jobseeker's Allowance
You receive Pension Credit guarantee
If you do not fall into any of the above categories and are on a low income or receive any other benefits, you may be entitled to claim exemption from charges by filling in form HC1. Please ask our receptionist or the DHSS office for details.
NHS Fees
Facial Aesthetics Fees
*Fees correct as of October 2019